Revamp That Resume

Common resume mistakes and how to remedy them

Are you on the hunt for a new job? If so, you should give your resume a once (or twice) over. According to Tina Nicolai, a former recruiter for Walt Disney World and the founder of Resume Writers’ Ink, a big reason people don’t get jobs is their resumes are littered with flaws. Here are some of the more common mistakes people make, according to Nicolai. Make sure your resume steers clear of these and you’ll likely increase your chances of getting hired.


One big mistake people make when submitting their resumes is that they simply don’t pay attention to detail. Nicolai told Money that she has seen countless simple typos, incorrect dates and more on resumes. Proofread your resume before sending it!


Don’t be too formal with your resume. Instead, look for spots where you can add some personality. Yes, a resume needs to feature some cold hard facts, but when you’re describing your duties and responsibilities, insert some life into it.


Speaking of descriptions, Nicolai explained that brevity is your ally. Keep your explanations short and sweet. The longer you go on, the more likely it is you’ll lose the HR staffers’ attention.

Improper Placement

If you’ve had two or more post-college jobs the “Education” section should be relegated to the end of the resume. Also, there’s no need to include the “References available upon request” line. Employers already know that.

Chris O'Shea

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