Sell Your House With These Cost-Effective Tips

Sell Your House With These Cost-Effective Tips

Inexpensive ways to boost curb appeal.

For home sellers, spring is the time to get motivated. If you want to get the most bang for your buck and increase your home’s value, start with improving curb appeal. You want buyers to be immediately impressed with your home and make an offer. Here are some cost-effective ways to boost your house’s curb appeal.

Paint Your Doors

Paint your front door to give your home an instant upgrade. If you want to go for it, paint the door black. There have been multiple studies that show homes with black front doors (and black garage doors) get higher offers than homes with other color doors.

Upgrade Numbers

One affordable way to upgrade your home’s curb appeal is to buy new house numbers. Look for something simple, yet stylish.

Power Wash

Painting your entire exterior can be quite costly. The next best thing? Power washing. At a fraction of the cost, power washing your home will make your older coat of paint pop once again.

Upgrade Landscaping

Make sure your landscaping has a once-over. Mow your lawn, and trim hedges and trees. Plant some new flowers either in boxes or right in front of the porch or stoop. Add mulch to places that need it. 

Wash Windows

You don’t want your windows to be dirty when buyers come by to see the house. Give each window a solid wash, and don’t forget to wash the interiors as well.

Do One Thing: Paint your front door for a cost-effective way to upgrade your home’s curb appeal.

Chris O'Shea

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